A New Beginning!

A big hello to all you loving parents!

I know for sure that the reason you are reading my blog is that you love your infant or todller like anything and want to do and provide things for him/her which are nothing less than the best. Before I introduce myself and my blog to you, let me tell you that I share exactly the same feelings as you and that is why I have created this blog. I am a 29 year old freelancer, happily married for 5 years and am a mother of a toddler, whom we have named IAN which means ‘Gift of God’ . As a first time mother, I faced quite a few issues and problems while parenting my kid and that is what inspired me to do something for all those young parents who have trouble parenting their infants and toddlers. Not that I am a professional in this field, but I am sure that every parent has something special to share, which can bring a smile on the faces of other parents. This blog of mine is a humble attempt to make the life easier for all those young and inexperienced parents.

The reason why I call this first post of mine A NEW BEGINNING is because I genuinely hope that I will be able to help all you parents with blogs on parenting help on a number of topics like parenting infants, parenting problems, toddler care, toddler activities, infant toys, toddler toys, disciplining toddlers, toddler learning, toddler development, feeding toddlers, feeding infants, infants sleep, breastfeeding infants, teething infants, infant growth, inftant care and numerous other related topics. I would request all of you to read my blog regularly and to ask as many questions as possible as the answers will not only help you but also others in better parenting.

I will post a blog on a well-deserved topic tomorrow. Till then take care and happy blogging!

And don’t forget, it is a new beginning for you as well!

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