How to Discipline A Hyperactive Toddler

Toddlers are very active as they are experiencing the growing curve. As toddlers, they like to explore many things and are always in a quest of playing around with everything possible. Spending time with toddlers needs a lot of patience because this is the stage where they are trying to learn many new things.

Parenting toddlers is itself a challenging job and it is even more difficult if they are hyperactive. Toddlers often do many things intentionally. Toddlers intentionally misbehave sometimes to draw your attention.  You may notice your toddler throw a glass several times in spite of you opposing such act. This may cause a lot of irritation and frustration.  It is important to discipline your toddler.

Keep Your Hyperactive Toddler Busy

 Hyperactive toddlers have a lot of energy, and do not really understand how to use it. At this stage they end up doing something mischievous and at times dangerous. It is required to keep the hyperactive toddlers busy most of the time. One good way of handling your hyperactive toddler is by finding positive outlets for his/her energy instead of suppressing it. One also needs to divert toddlers from doing any inappropriate action intentionally. This can be best done by rhythmic sounds, or colorful toys or play in the outdoor.

Plan an Outdoor Activity with Your Toddler

Many toddlers these days are fond of going out of home. So they can be taken to a park to spend time running or playing along with other kids. This way they spend a lot of their energy and as a result are prepared to stay calm for the next few minutes. This also helps in keeping their mind fresh. At times distraction can be made with rhythm, so toddler can be allowed to play with toys that make sounds. Many toddlers are usually interested in colors, so they can be taught to paint or play with colors.

It is difficult but yet important to understand when a toddler is misbehaving because of hyper activeness or out of intention. In both the cases, consistent pattern of discipline is important. Toddlers need to be explained their boundaries and the rules. The process of disciplining your toddler starts by adhering to specific rules. These rules should be explained to the toddlers so that they are fully aware of what should be done and what should not be done.

Punishment should be Minimal  

If they misbehave after understanding such rules and boundaries, that would be intentional and can be punishable. Such punishment should be simple, only to the extent of making the toddler realize his/her mistake. Toddlers should be appreciated for their good behavior; this shall encourage them to behave properly and also reduces the time and effort in disciplining the toddler.

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