Tips on Parenting Infants

Welcoming a new born baby into the home is undoubtedly one of the happiest moments of our lives for the majority of us. But this also marks the beginning of a very responsible and mature innings of our lives, where every step is to be taken with utmost care and love, to ensure the well-being and health of your baby. Parenting infants is never an easy job, but it is not very difficult as well. With a little bit of planning and effort, parenting an infant can be fun.

Different people have different views and outlook on parenting infants. While some like to follow conventional methods for parenting infants, there are some who only believe on modern medicines and theories for parenting infants, for bringing up their precious one. Whatever path you take, one thing is for sure that you want to be the best parent in the world, especially so because you are aware of the fact that your infant is completely dependent on you for his survival. This article aims at providing all young parents with some great tips on parenting infants which would inadvertently help you in facing some common parenting problems which are related to the safety of your infant:

Parenting infants and preventing SIDS: While there is no method which can give you a 100 percent guarantee against SIDS, taking a bit of extra care and caution in the initial months of your infant can reduce the risk to a large extent. Taking some simple steps like putting your infant to sleep on his/her back, avoiding waterbed and bean bags, providing an environment with comfortable and optimum temperature are some very common steps which can keep SIDS at bay. Parents should also take care to avoid exposing your infant to second hand smoke. Last but not the least; it is good to know that breastfeeding reduces the chance of SIDS and is considered as a protection against SIDS. Infant’s safety and security tops the list of priorities for many parents, and this tip on parenting infants is certainly going to help you in that.

Taking Infant’s temperature: It is highly recommended that one takes rectal temperature in the first few months of your baby, i.e., at least for the first 3 months. You should wash and rinse the thermometer and then rubbing a bit of a lubricant on it before checking the temperature with it. It is essential to wash and clean the rectal thermometer with alcohol after every use. After the first 3 months you can switch to an armpit thermometer or a digital thermometer. Any temperature above 100 degree F deserves the attention of a qualified physician.

Parenting infants and feeding an infant: Feeding a baby is indeed the most important part of parenting infants. It is highly recommended that all mothers should exclusively breastfeed the infant for the first six months of the infant’s life. However, if you are unable to breastfeed you infant for some medical or personal reasons, this tip on parenting infants is bound to help you. This tip is the simplest and easiest of all. Whether you are relying on a ready to feed instant formula or a powder formula, ensure that you have checked the expiry dates on all the packets and bottles. Also ensure that all the feeding bottles and nipples are thoroughly washed and sanitized before feeding the baby.

The above tips on parenting infants are not something out of the world. In fact these tips on parenting infants are something which is known to most parents. However, it is also a fact that we do not take these very seriously. We as responsible and loving parents should follow the above tips to ensure the health and safety of our infants.

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Toddlers are very active learners and that is why it is quite easy to engage them in interesting toddler preschool activities. And to the delight of all the loving parents, there are a huge number of toddler preschool activities which are bound to delight you and your toddler alike. This article focuses on discussing on some great toddler preschool activities, which will not only creatively engage and entertain your child, but will also make your life easier.
Before we start discussing some amazing toddler preschool activities in details, it is quite important to understand that in this stage of their life, toddlers learn from almost every aspect of the world around them. This is one reason why we as parents have a huge responsibility to provide our toddlers with the right environment and toddler preschool activities, so that your toddler reaches his full potential.

Following are 3 of the all time best toddler preschool activities.

Toddler Rhymes and lullabies: This is undoubtedly one of the most favorite toddler preschool activities of many toddlers and parents. Toddlers love to listen to toddler rhymes. Not only that, they also love to sing along with their parents. You would love your toddler singing along and dancing to the tunes and rhythm of ever-green toddler rhymes and lullabies. This is why this toddler preschool activity tops the list of all toddler preschool activities.

Read a Story: Reading a story to toddler kindles his imagination and allows him to enter the world of fairy tales, and is undoubtedly one of the best toddler preschool activities. Reading a story also allows your toddler to understand that writings on the books are associated with sounds and words, which will inadvertently help in the development of his language and learning skills. Many parents limit the reading activity for night times, but it is good to know that this activity is the best way to appease the mood of a cranky toddler. This makes this activity the second in the list of top 5 toddler preschool activities.

Coloring and Art: There is a misconception among many parents that coloring is not a good toddler preschool activity. This is because they think that crayons and colors should only be given to children who are old enough to understand what drawing and coloring is. However, it is good to know that allowing a toddler to colour and draw is like giving wings to his imagination and should hence be encouraged. This is one toddler preschool activity which allows your child to expand his horizons through colors. Make sure that you don’t have high expectations from his drawing and be prepared to encourage your little artist for anything and everything he draws and colors, also ensure that you provide your toddler only with non-toxic colors. Your toddler is sure to enjoy this toddler activity as well as the encouragement given by you.

There are several other toddler preschool activities such as puzzles, building blocks, water games and fun in the sun, all of which are time-tested and incredible preschool activities for toddlers. So, what are you waiting for, go ahead and enjoy these amazing toddler preschool activities with your child.

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Toddler Discipline


As the toddler grows and becomes more comfortable with his surroundings and environment, his desire for independence gets stronger. Majority of the parents of toddlers would agree that this display of independent behavior reaches its prime in the age group of 2-3. We must all agree that while toddler discipline problems are many in this age group, it is not very difficult to discourage negative behavior through the smart use of some proven toddler discipline ideas and toddler discipline strategies.

This article aims at helping all those parents who find toddler discipline problems overwhelming, and are looking for some effective toddler discipline ideas and toddler discipline strategies.


Before trying to implement any toddler discipline ideas and toddler discipline strategies to control and limit the use of no’s by our toddlers, we as parents must realize and accept that the invariable use of the word ‘no’ by your toddler arises from a strong instinct to be independent. Though it is difficult to cope up with this negative behavior, we as parents should learn to accept it as a normal developmental behavior.


Try to limit your toddler’s reach to all those things which should not be touched by him. ‘Toddler-proofing’ your home could be the best way to minimize those unnecessary trails of negative behavior. By only allowing access to stuff which is harmless could be your first, yet most effective step to discipline your toddler.


Try to limit your own use of negative words and phrases as far as possible. Always remember that toddlers and children might not listen to what you say, but they will definitely try to emulate you in whatever you do. So the best way to ease their invariable use of ‘no’ is to use it yourself only when it is utterly necessary. Positive behavior from your end will definitely play a very important role in your toddler discipline.


The best toddler discipline strategy is to reward him when you observe a positive behavior. Toddlers love to be appreciated and it is very likely that he would repeat his positive behavior to be appreciated again.


Providing your toddler with choices can lead to less ‘no’s’ at home. When you tell your toddler do something particular, it is more than a probability that he will come up with a ‘no’. But if you give him with two choices, it is more likely that he will select from one of those choices. The simple idea behind this toddler discipline strategy being that toddlers like to be independent and choosing something makes him feel that he is taking the calls.


This is one toddler discipline idea which might seem to be out of place to many, but it is worth knowing that when your toddler has enough rest and is not hungry, he is more likely to play easily without throwing any tantrums. Proper rest and diet will put your toddler more at ease.

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A New Beginning!

A big hello to all you loving parents!

I know for sure that the reason you are reading my blog is that you love your infant or todller like anything and want to do and provide things for him/her which are nothing less than the best. Before I introduce myself and my blog to you, let me tell you that I share exactly the same feelings as you and that is why I have created this blog. I am a 29 year old freelancer, happily married for 5 years and am a mother of a toddler, whom we have named IAN which means ‘Gift of God’ . As a first time mother, I faced quite a few issues and problems while parenting my kid and that is what inspired me to do something for all those young parents who have trouble parenting their infants and toddlers. Not that I am a professional in this field, but I am sure that every parent has something special to share, which can bring a smile on the faces of other parents. This blog of mine is a humble attempt to make the life easier for all those young and inexperienced parents.

The reason why I call this first post of mine A NEW BEGINNING is because I genuinely hope that I will be able to help all you parents with blogs on parenting help on a number of topics like parenting infants, parenting problems, toddler care, toddler activities, infant toys, toddler toys, disciplining toddlers, toddler learning, toddler development, feeding toddlers, feeding infants, infants sleep, breastfeeding infants, teething infants, infant growth, inftant care and numerous other related topics. I would request all of you to read my blog regularly and to ask as many questions as possible as the answers will not only help you but also others in better parenting.

I will post a blog on a well-deserved topic tomorrow. Till then take care and happy blogging!

And don’t forget, it is a new beginning for you as well!

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