Parenting Bed Wetting Toddlers

Parenting infants and toddlers is not a walk in the park. This is one reason why majority of the parents describe this phase as the most challenging parts of their lives. At the same time, almost all the parents describe this phase as the most rewarding one as well. Parenting infants and toddlers, when done in an organized, planned and loving manner, can make things easier and rewarding for you. Parents face numerous challenges when bringing up a toddler. Some of these include addressing bed wetting problems, training them to go for potty, putting them on a normal diet and providing adequate discipline. Good parenting is all about tackling your child’s problem in a better way.

In this article we are going to address the problems faced by toddlers due to frequent bed wetting and how it could be frustrating to both kids and parents alike. Bed wetting is a very common problem we face as it can ruin the peaceful sleep of the little one as well as yours. Bed wetting is an adverse disorder and is also known as Enuresis in medical terms.

Parents often express displeasure when the little one has to go for potty or has a bed wetting problem. Inspite of addressing this problem, many parents tend to mislead the toddler as they completely begin to blame them for it. In order to better understand bed wetting, take a closer look at the heart of this problem. In majority of cases, bed wetting problems are associated with hereditary but in several cases, it is the simple case of kids not understanding that their bladder is full. Another important aspect is that majority of toddlers get so used to diapers, that they often do not realise the still are wearing one. Toddlers make a transition between the time they stop using a diaper and the moment the get accustomed to being without one. A few tips are there that could be followed.

• Make sure you take your kid to the bathroom before he goes to bed.

• Use extra bedding material to make the toddler feel comfortable.

• Learn about Enuresis; understand that your kid will outgrow this problem.

• Be supportive and understanding to your toddler.

• Do not damage your child’s self-confidence and image.

• Keep a light head; use absorbent padding that absorbs excess moisture.

• Make him feel comfortable and less conscious about this problem.

Following the above easy tips can help you and toddler in a great way. While trying to help him get out of this problem is a good way to approach the situation, it is highly recommended that you do not push him too much, as this might worsen the situation. A great way to encourage your toddler to avoid bedwetting is by making him keep a record of dry days on a calendar, as it will encourage him to avoid bedwetting to a great extent.

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